Reactie Oplopend sorteren Onderwerp Auteur Datum
Thank you very much, Geert Ouweneel, for this quick transcription. The legal age for women was 25. Was it the same for Last page of inheritance JJ Johnson 26-08-2020
Thank you very much, Geert Ouweneel! A fulling mill and a daughter after her father's death JJ Johnson 30-09-2020
Thank you very much! Charter, volmolen/verso JJ Johnson 21-09-2020
Thank you very much! huwelijksvoorwaarden - Blauwen Hont JJ Johnson 05-12-2020
Thank you very much!! Weeskamer 1604 Top paragraph only JJ Johnson 02-08-2020
Thank you very much! I'm trying to decipher the meaning; can either of you help? I have this for the second entry: Weeskamer transcription JJ Johnson 01-12-2020
Thank you very much René van Weeren! I have searched for more docs, to no avail. Wonder what they did. Banneling JJ Johnson 06-12-2020
Thank you very much Geert Ouweneel! There is much more drama in these archives than I suspected. Cruytmol buiten de Waterslootspoort 8/1604 JJ Johnson 09-08-2020
Thank you very much Christian for your quick response and I really appreciate having the correct record but Help with reading a marriage record for Joost Jan Cornelis Vendix 1651 Josie Crowley 31-01-2018
Thank you very much - it is vey clear. I would score your effort at A+. You may be interested to know that the two men Zutphen record from 19/01/1582 Luke J 31-05-2022
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. Palaeography help needed please Wendy Tait 18-08-2020
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. Palaeography help needed please Wendy Tait 12-08-2020
Thank you so much. It is greatly appreciated. Transcription: transporten? Lesley R 29-03-2021
Thank you so much Andreas for your help and thank you for that forum link! 17th Century French Manuscript? Rob 06-04-2023
Thank you Renee van Weeren! sleutel sleutel voor vroedvrouw JJ Johnson 08-08-2020
Thank you Rene. I learn a lot from this forum. The detailed answers are very much appreciated. Best Wishes. Amsterdam 7 - early baptism records Luke J 05-08-2022
Thank you Rene. Go to On the front page enter Jan Pouwelsz Vos and hit search. On the search Jan Pouwels Vos - Delft weeskamer Luke J 13-03-2023
Thank you René, that would be brilliant. Robert Bunn 1622 Peter 20-02-2021
Thank you René van Weeren! Yes, this is just one page of many, many pages. This is very helpful indeed. Weeskamer transcription JJ Johnson 28-11-2020
Thank you René van Weeren! Yes, it looks as though he moved from Leiden to marry a Delft woman, bought the house and glinting vergunning JJ Johnson 03-12-2020
Thank you René for the translation and the very full explanation. Amsterdam Wedding 1602 Peter 25-05-2021
Thank you René and Andreas for your replies!! This helps me out a lot! Victor Hugo French Manuscript text c. 1895? Michael 14-01-2023
Thank you Rene - your assistance is very much appreciated. Luke J. Jan Pouwels Vos - Delft weeskamer Luke J 14-03-2023
Thank you Rene - that is very helpful. Robert Bunn 1622 Peter 18-02-2021
Thank you Otto. That is incredible, I could not find the original manuscript before, only the 19th century compiled Middelnederlands Translation Cata Ivancov 29-06-2021