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Jan Pouwels Vos - Delft weeskamer

Good morning in Nederland

I have struggled with this page from the Delft weeskamer records.

It deals with Jan Pouwelsz Vos and Marijtje IJsbrantdr, who lived in Naaldwijk / Naeldwijcker broeck.

Jan was previously married with Machtelt Philipsdr (Heemskerck). 

Jan married a 3rd time with Maritgen Pietersdr (van der Valck)

The marriage with Maritgen may have been the 2nd marriage.

The page is damaged - with the right hand edge partly gone. 

Can someone please help me with the:

1. The date

2,. The name of any children that may be mentioned and who the mother is.

If at all possible a fuller transcription would be great. 

Many thanks in advance.

Luke J - Australia



Reacties (6)

René van Weeren zei op ma, 03/13/2023 - 16:58

The date is 19 November 1580, but the document seems also to contain a reference to a previous document from 1579. Rest will follow. Is this image available online/in higher resolution?

René van Weeren zei op ma, 03/13/2023 - 22:07

Dear Luke,

In summary: it is a regular document made up with the masters of the local Orphans' Chamber when a widow(er) remarried, to safeguard the inheritance of the children (the children were equally entitled to their own part of the inheritance of the deceased parent and had to (in due time, usually at the time when they would come of age) receive proper payment of their part by the surviving (remarrying) parent. In this case, Jan Pouwels Vos appears before the masters of the Orphans' Chamber in Delft to arrange the inheritance of his daughter Machteltgen, born form his marriage with Marritgen IJsbrantsdochter. The relation of the first mentioned party, Quirijntgen Quirijnsdochter [van der Meer] is yet unclear to me from this document. This document is to be found online on https://hdl.handle.net/21.12115/NL-DtAD90150989; the last line of this document refers to the confirmation of payment of the inheritance part to Machteltgen, to be found on https://hdl.handle.net/21.12115/NL-DtAD90150989 (if that document needs to be transcribed, just let me know). Please find transcription and translation underneath; some burned parts <between brackets> could be (partly) filled in because notaries as well as Orhpans' Chambers used standard formulas. The act from December 1579 referred to seems to concern two orphans, but in this document, only Machteltgen is mentioned by name. It may be that the other orphan was already a lot older. Please note: the term 'orphan' in those days was also used for children who still had a surviving parent.


Jan Pouwelsz Vos
Op huyden den XIXten nove[m]bris anno XVIc LXXX [com]pareerd<en>
voir weesm[eeste]r[e[n] Gerrit Adriaen Vrancke[n]sz[en] van[de] Meer a[l<s>
voecht van [den] Quyrij[nt]gen Qurinendochter v[er]va[n]g[ende] den
andere voechden ter eenre, Adriaen Govartsz[en] end<e>
IJsbrant Wille[m]sz[en] als voochden va[n] Machteltgen <Jan>
Pouwels Vos' d[ochte]r, oudt o[m]tre[n]t vijff jaren, da<eraff>
moeder van was Marritgen IJsbrantsd[ochte]r te<n twede>
en[de] Jan Pouwelsz Vos ten derde p[ar]tijen, a<lwelcke>
hebben overgelevert een copie van een schriftelicke accoort
tusschen hen [com]para[n]ten onder qualite voirn[oemt] <voor>
Jan Gerritsz[en] Vollenhoven, not[aris] publyck <gepasseert den>
achsten decembris anno XVc LXXIX att<esteerende>
uutcoope en[de] schiftinge en[de] scheydinge <van den>
twee weeskinderen moederlicke erfve <verbrand deel>
den [com]para[n]ten voirn[oe]mt voirgelesen sij<nde; verbrand deel>,
als noch geapprobeert, geanvoyeert <verbrand deel>
mits desen beloevende ... v<verbrand deel>
pelcken te onderhouden en[de] n<verbrand deel>
onder 't verba[n]t va[n] allen rechten en[de] rechteren e<verbrand deel>
ende heeft Jan Pouwelsz voirn[oem]t <beloefft te vrijen>
en<de>waren 't huys genaemt <verbrand deel <staende te>>
Delft in 't Noorteynde van <[den] <verbrand deel>>
IJsbra[n]tsd[ochter] getroudt heeft, g<verbrand deel>
soe aldus gedaen en[de] verleed<en voor <verbrand deel>>
van Zanten, schepen en[de] Pieter <verbrand deel>,
weesm[eeste]r ende 16 deser copie <verbrand deel>
op die letter C

Van Jan Pouwelsz[en] Vos weeskint volcht L


Jan Pouwelsz Vos
Today, the 19th of November in the year 1580, appeared
before the masters of the Orphans' Chambers Gerrit Adriaen Vrancke[n]sz[en] van[de] Meer, acting as
legal guardian of Quyrij[nt]gen Qurinendochter, subsituting the
other legual guardians as first party, Adriaen Govartsz[en] and
IJsbrant Wille[m]sz[en], acting as legual guardians of Machteltgen <Jan>
Pouwels Vos' d[ochte]r, about fuve years old, whose
mother was Marritgen IJsbrantsd[ochte]r as second party
and Jan Pouwelsz Vos as third party, which parties
have handed in a copy of a written agreement
between these parties appeared, acting in their aforementioned qualities, passed before
before Jan Gerritsz[en] Vollenhoven, public notary <on the>
8th of december in the year 1579, showing proof of the
buy-off, division, and partition
of the mother's inheritance to the two orphans*<burnt part>
having been read out to those appeared <burnt part>,
once more approved and sent <burnt part>
promising herwith  ... v<burnt part>
<incomplete word> to maintain and n<burnt part>
under all applicable legislation and jurisdictions e<burnt part>
and the aforementioned Jan Pouwelsz has promised to keep free of burden
and safe from any harm the house called <burnt part; located at>
Delft at the Noorteynde whereof <burnt part>>
has married IJsbra[n]tsd[ochter] g<burnt part>
This document has been composed and passed before <burnt part>
van Zanten, alderman and Pieter <burnt part>,
master of the Orphans' Chamber and on the 16th of November a copy <burnt part>
under character C

For the act concerning the orphan of Jan Pouwelsz[en] Vos, see L

Luke J zei op ma, 03/13/2023 - 22:20

Thank you Rene.  

Go to stadsarchiefdelft.nl. On the front page enter Jan Pouwelsz Vos and hit search. On the search result screen select either Geografie or Personen. There you will see both weeskamer records for Jan Pouwelsz Vos.

It seems that the couple may have had a child named Machtelt

Thank you for your help.

Luke J.

Luke J zei op ma, 03/13/2023 - 22:55

Rene your detailed answer appeared immediately after me sending a reply to your initial response. 

Does the 1579 document give a name for the other child? No need for a full transcription.

Many thanks, Luke J.

René van Weeren zei op di, 03/14/2023 - 00:23

Dear Luke,

There is a reference to the document of December 1579 in the document itself, but not in the index. Given the physical state of the source (partly burned) and the fact that there is no reference in the index, it is very likely the document of December 1579 has been lost in the fire. Unfortunately, due to the condition of this register, there is also no consistent chronological order, so that offers no solution in finding the document referred to.

I did have a look into the other document, however this only concerns the payment of the Machteltgens' part of the inheritance: her father hands over a deposit of 216 guilders, consisting of the legitimate inheritance she is entitled to and the interest over the years to come. His financial contribution is guaranteed and kept by master of the Orphans' Chamber Jan Jorisszen van den Burch; on the 31st of July 1612 the promised amount of 216 guilders is handed over by the heirs of Jan Jorisszen van der Burch to Johannes Taurinus, husband of Margaretha Hendrixdochter van der Meer, apparently a relative (aunt?) of Mechteltgen.

Luke J zei op di, 03/14/2023 - 08:26

Thank you Rene - your assistance is very much appreciated. Luke J.

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