Is it possible to upload a bigger part of this document? I have my doubts about what can be read here and more text will hopefully solve this.
Is it possible to upload a bigger part of this document? I have my doubts about what can be read here and more text will hopefully solve this.
toebaxpijpmaecker van sijn handwerck
Ik denk dat er mogelijk niet Christoffel Lache staat zoals erfgoed Leiden leest, maar Christoffel Lacx ( zie ook de X van toebax)
Thanks for the whole page. As I suspected is also confirmed by ChrisvD. What you read as Hardwick should be handwerck, the Dutch word for handicraft.
The whole sentence is as following (also thanks to heihorst):
Cristoffel Lacx toebaxpijpmaecker van sijn
handwerck gebooren in Jorkshire in Engeland.
Cristoffel Lacx, handcrafter of tobacco pipes, born in Yorkshire, England.
So unfortunately no place of birth mentioned.
Peter Taylor
zei op zondag 26 januari 2020 - 09:58