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Weeskamer help

I would like help with deciphering a document from the Weeskamer in Delft. Apologies for posting my request in English. I can handle reading Dutch and translating it with some work, but not conversing. I’ll post page one of three to start and list here the known names of people appearing:

Willem Willemsz van Lindtschoten, Buscruytmaker…Willem Willemsz van Lindtschoten de Jongen, Pieter Cornelis van der Wyel en Jan Cornelis van der Wyel als voogden, guardians of Arientghen van Lindtschoten. 

Willem Willemsz sr. is Arientghen’s grandfather, and Lambrecht is her father, WW the younger is her uncle. This document is damaged and missing parts. How many guardians are there? The Van der Wyels are the brothers of the mother (Maritge Cornelisdr.)


Is this will about one or two children of Lambrecht Willems van Lindtschoten and Maritge Cornelisdr. Van der Wyel? Lambrecht and Maritge married on 29-9-1602; I don’t have their birth or death dates, etc.) 

More context: Lambrecht was in the gunpowder making business with his father and had acquired a license ‘Buiten de Waterslootspoort te Delft’ at Kickert, as well as a house called ‘Sommeseijn’ or ‘Som’ at that same site ca. 1603. I don’t see these places mentioned or a ‘cruytmol’ but the writing is tough to decipher. This document mentions the date 1604 elsewhere. 


Has one or both parents already died? 


Two new names, unsure of these: Maertge Jans van Hougenhouck ….Adriana van Groenewegen? 


Reacties (3)

René van Weeren zei op do, 07/23/2020 - 21:22

Hi JJ Johnson,

I am not sure the second doc (see other post) belongs to the same document, given the difference in page numbers at the bottom and the mssing text on top. Could it be this document is incomplete? It only shows one page and does not include some of the info you mention in the post. But find underneath the transcription of this document. Text between square brackets are solutions used for abrreviation signs in texts; texts between {accolades} is text filled in for text missing on the burned parts of the document, based on the usual text formulas. Also find a English translation below.


Op huyden den 1en decembris a[nn]o 1604 {compareerden voor}
mijnen heeren weesm[eeste]ren geauctoriseert {verbrand; Willem}
Willems[en] van Lindtschoten, buscruytma{ecker ende Willem; verbrand}
Willemsz[en] van Lindtschoten den jongen, zijn {soon; verbrand}
Pieter Cornelisz[en] van der Wyel en[de] Ja{n Corneliszen; verbrand}
van der Wiel als voochdens van 't nagelaten {verbrand}
van za[liger] Lambrecht Willemsz[en] van Lindt{schoten; verbrand}
en[de] Maritge[n] Corn[elis]d[ochte]r van der Wyel, omme
na geslage[n] billietten in 't openbaer te moghen
vercopen all moblen goeden, mitsgaders 't huys
en[de] erve en[de] aencleven vandien, bij den kinderen ouders
metter doot geruymt en[de] nagelaten beoorlicken
brieven daervan te passeren naer coustume des{er}
stede, de penningen daervan comen[de] te
ontfangen, mits dat zij gehouden zijn daervan



On this day, the 1st of December 1604, before
the municipal guardians of orphans, auhorized, appeared Willem
Willems[en] van Lindtschoten, gunpowder maker, and Willem

Willemsz[en] van Lindtschoten den jongen, his son,
Pieter Cornelisz[en] van der Wyel and Ja{n Corneliszen}
van der Wiel, being guardians of the bequeathed {burnt}
of the late Lambrecht Willemsz[en] van Lindt{schoten}
and Maritge[n] Corn[elis]d[ochte]r van der Wyel, in order to

obtain permission to publically sell, after having announced this via placards all movable property, as well as the house, its ground, and its belongings, bequeathed by the parents of the childrend when they died, to hand over adequate documents on this accordings to the customs of this city, to receive the revenues thereof, on the condition that they will be held to {usually a text about proper financial management and accounting will follow}.


As part of the text is burnt, it is not entirely clear who of them were present as inheritors or as legal guardians; all four are in fact both.

The text displayed does not state the number of children; given the number of men appearing it is likely that it concerns at least more than one child. The two female names you mention at the end I could not find on the image.

JJ Johnson zei op vr, 07/24/2020 - 13:34

Dear Rene van Weeren,


Thank you so much! What a wonderful thing you’ve done for me.

I see that you are correct – these are

two different documents from the Delft archives. The second

one with two pages has additions with perhaps the mention of 

a ‘weduwe’ and a name I can’t make out at the bottom (Ijsbrand?). From your translation, it seems that both parents have died and that there is more than one child. It could theoretically be four guardians for one because there was money on both sides of the family and a lucrative business (gunpowder making) involved. I've added the Delft archive information but the links didn't transfer. I have read of a 1604 disaster at one of the mills and wonder if this is related to that. Again, thank you!!




Soort akte







14-17, 20v, 60


15360101 - 16181231





Maritgen Cornelisdr. van der Wyel ()

Lambrecht Willemsz. van Lintschoten (geregistreerde)



Soort akte









15360101 - 16181231





Lambrecht Willemsz. van Lintschoten (geregistreerde)

Maritgen Cornelisdr. ()

JJ Johnson zei op vr, 07/24/2020 - 17:31

I have found 10 pages in the first document, a treasure trove of information. Thank you! I will have to see how to proceed....

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