Below is the text of a document from the Leiden archives referring to my ancestors. It bears no date but it must be around 1656, the year they got married. What is it about? In particular, what does "bon: hogemors" mean? I see that Hoge Mors is a district in Leiden. And what does exactly Narmstraat refer to? I see the street still exists but ... Thank you in advance.
And there is a similar document with the names reversed and a different street named.……
Achtste Register, fol. 353-541, bon Hogemorsch.
Bron: bonboekSoort registratie: BonboekenPlaats: Leiden
Bon: Hogemors
Straat: Narmstraat
Inventarisnummer 6629 van archiefnummer 0501A in Archieven
Elisabeth Henningh
Bartholomees van Steen (greinwerker)
Achtste Register, fol. 353-541, bon Hogemorsch., archiefnummer 0501A, ~Stukken betreffende afzonderlijke onderwerpen; Registratie van onroerend goed 1585-1816 (1819), inventarisnummer 6629, blad 422
Gemeente: Leiden
Periode: 1642-1811
Paul Bolding
zei op zondag 23 juli 2023 - 12:44