Den 4en X[=decem]b[ris] ontvangen van 't
boelhuys gehouden bij Gerrit
Rens, de boelcedulle was
bedragende f 25-18-0
voor den XL[=40]e penn[ingh] f 0-13-0
On the 4th of Decemver received
on behalf of the inventory of the house occupied by Gerrit
Rens to be auctioned, the household inventory
adding up to 25 guilders, 18 stuivers and 0 penningen
for the 40th penning 0 guilders 13 stuivers and 0 penningen
The 40th penning was an inventory tax levied by the province (gewest) on the transport of property, equal to 2.5 percent. A boelhuis is mostly used to indicate the total inventory up for auction of the house of a recently deceased person.
Steve Barnhoorn
zei op maandag 5 februari 2024 - 08:20