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Engels testament

Een Engels testament van een Nederlandse immigrant in London. Wie kan mij helpen met een transcriptie? Vervolg hieronder.

Heel hartelijk dank weer.



Reacties (5)

Elsa zei op do, 08/29/2024 - 22:40

Deel 2.

Elsa zei op do, 08/29/2024 - 22:41

Deel 3.

Elsa zei op do, 08/29/2024 - 22:41

Deel 4.

Andreas zei op za, 08/31/2024 - 11:07

We zien het hier haast nooit, maar eindelijk eens iets in het Engels. Op een paar twijfelgevalletjes na was alles leesbaar. (zolang je fonetisch denkt, is de tekst begrijpbaar)

Alleen de onderste Latijnse toevoeging is voor mij wat moeilijk. Anderen kunnen dit beter dan ik.

Translated owte of Dutche
In the name of our Lorde Amen. I Martin de
Visser pinnemaker, borne att Andwarpe in Brabant
att this present resident within the cittye of London
being in perfect health, goeing & standinge and using and enioying every
where my ffyve sences, memory and understandinge
consideringe the ffragillitie and transitorienes of the
humane nature in this lyfe, and that there is nothinge
more certaine unto man in this lyfe then death,
and nothinge more uncertaine than the howre of
the same. And therefore I have with good delibera-
tion, good memory and perfecte understandinge
made and concluded, and doe make and conclude by
these presents my testament and last will
in forme and manner followinge, revoking, annul-
lating and making voyde all and singular other
testaments, dispositions and gyfts whatsoever
they maye be which before the date of theise presents
I maye have made or passed by worde of mouth
or in wryttinge requijringe that this my present
testament onely shall take place and be of effect
in all his poincts and clauses whether it be by
forme of testament, codicill, gyfte or grannte,
(as if is called by reason of death) or otherwyse, as
any mans testament or last will best maye take
place and be of effecte. Notwithstandinge that all
the solempnites accordinge to ryght requyred,
shoulde be founde herein not to be observed. Allso
notwithstandinge any landes or citties, ryghts
to the contrary. Imprimis, I doe comende my
sowle nowe and att all tymes into the mercifull
hannds of God my heavenly Ffather throwgh Jesus
Christ his onely begotten Sonne our Lord and
Saviour, who hath discharged and ffreed the same
by his bitter death and precious bludshedding of the
perpetuall death and malediction, and my dead
bodye to the earth ffrom whence it is comme, ffor
to be buried decently according to my estate.
And so comming to the disposition of my temporall
goods which the Lorde hath graunted me ffavorably
in this worlde. Thereof I doe gyve and bequeath to the poore
of the Dutche congregation in London the somme
of tenn powndes sterling ones, ffor to be
delyvered to the said poore, and to be employed
for their necessities, att the discretion of the
deacons of the same congregation to the which I
doe ordeyne that the saide some of halbe presently
paide after my decease by anny of my executors here-
under naimed. Item I gyve and bequeath to Anne van
Bemen whoe dwelleth with me, the lyke somme
of Tenne powndes sterling ones. Item Item I gyve
and bequeath unto the lawfull childeren in generall
of Gilles de Visser my sonne the which he nowe
hath, and hereafter maye have and in the tyme of
my deceasse shalbe lyvinge the somme of twoo-
hondreth poundes sterlinge ones, for to be equally
betweene them devyded when they respectively
shalbe come to the state of mariadges or competent
age of one and twentye yeares then I doe ordayne
by theis presents and my will is that the saide
some of twoo hundreth powndes by any of
the executors of this my testament hereunder
named shalbe sett forth uppon interest, or
other coyse, as they shall fynde most meete,
untill such tyme that the saide childeren shall be-
come to their mariags or competent age of one
and twentye yeares, and that the intereste
or the proffyt proceeding from the said twoo hondreth
powndes yearly duringe the said tyme shalbe delive-
red unto the aforesaide Gylles my sonne, or unto those
whome after his deceasse shall have the charge
of the saide children for therewithall to mantayne
the said childeren, as much as it shalbe possyble.
And yf all the saide childeren shall come to
departe owte of this worlde before they become to the state
of mariage or competent age, my will is that the
saide twoo hondreth powndes sterlinge shall
succeede and remayne with the aforesaid Gilles
de Visser my sonne, their father, or unto his
next ffrends, yf he shall departe before his saide
children. And all and singular my other
remayning goods aswell movable as unmovable,
chattells and inheritannce, allso actions and credits
whatsoever, which att the daye of my deceasse
shall be founde to appertayne and belonge unto me and my
mortuary howse where and in whatsoever
place they shalbe founde, none excepted nor
reserved (after all my debtes, church dewties
and legacies hereafter written paide & satisfyed)
All and singular the saide my remayning goods,
actions and creditts I gyve, grannte, leave and be-
queath by theise presents unto the aforesaid Gilles
de Visser my sonne to his owne proper use and
proprietye, inseiratinge and nominating him by
theis presents my whole heyre to doe and dispose
thereof, as with his owne free good. And this
I doe declare to be my testament and last will,
whereof I make executor Mister Tobias Baert
blewe deyer. And yf he before me shall
come to departe so doe I make executor in his
place Joos Otgeer joyner both dwellinge
here in the cittye, and doe gyve unto dither
of them ffyve powndes sterlinge for my
remembrance. In wittnes of the trueth so
have I, the aforesaide Martin de Visser,
this my presente testament with my one
hand subscribed and sealed. Thus donne
in London on the sixteenth daye of the
moneth of August, in the yeare of our
Lord Jesus Chryst thowsand sixe
hondreth and three stilo Anglie Rayninge
the most mightye and most excellente Prince
and Lord, Lord James (by the grace of God) Kinge
of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defen-
der of the fayth et cetera, our most soveraigne Lord,
in the ffyrste yeare of his raigne over En-
gland, France and Ireland, and in the seven
and thirtyth yeare of his raigne over Scotland.
Subscrybed Marten de Visser and sealled
with a seale in read waxe there uppon
imprinted. Lower is written The aforesaide
Martin de Visser, beinge of good and perfect
understandinge hath subscribed theis presents
with his owne hand and seale, and the teneur
thereof declared to be his testament and
last will in the presence of the persons here-
underwritten. The sixteenth of August anno
xviC and three in London. Cornelius Spirinck
Notarius publicus 1603. Jan ... wittnes, Jooris
Goethals as wittnes.
This presente translation doeth in substannce
aggree with his originall.
Ita attestor Carolus Demetrius Notarius publicus

Probatum fuit huius modi testamentum coram magistro
...                 octavo
die septembris anno dominum 1603 ... 
Tobias Baert executoris ...


Elsa zei op zo, 09/01/2024 - 03:16

Heel hartelijk bedankt, Andreas. Het is een interessante tekst en goed voor de beginnende lezer van oude Engelse documenten.

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