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Assistance requested transcribing document from 1657 Borculo


I hope someone can assist me in transcribing this legal document. It involves Engelbert Heuvel and his wife Richarda.

Thanks in advance.

The source is is ORA Borculo, inv.nr. 390:
Losse minuten van akten in het protocol van opdrachten:


I did the best I could in enhancing the document for easier reading. 

Reacties (5)

beheerder Mariët Bruggeman zei op di, 08/13/2024 - 14:58

A first attempt transcribing a few lines in your document, Steve. Hopefully someone will pick it up and fills the gaps in my lines :).


Actum Coram Consulibus Meilinck

et Back den 9 januari 1687


Erschenen den Hooch ede  en welgeboren Jan Smullinck

als oock den Hoochedelgeboren Hillebrant van

Ade..heim in qualité als volma van juffrouw Agnes

Smullinck, sich mede sterck maeckende voor haere

suster juffrouw Frederick Smullinck ... speciale volmacht

van recher en burgemeester tot ..... in dato den

14 december 1656 stijlo noves gepasseert, alhier inden

.... verband, gelesen ten van met erkant

en bekanden achergelaeten ende getransportiert te

... ende alle



Steve Barnhoorn zei op wo, 08/14/2024 - 19:27

Hi Mariët:  Thanks for the initial start. I deeply appreciate it very much.



René van Weeren zei op za, 08/17/2024 - 19:55

Dear Steve,

No full transcription yet (hopefully in the course of next week), but a short summary: it concerns the formal transfer of one half of the house called Schillink, located in the hamlet of Schollenkamp, part of Borculo, for the amount of 315 daalders. The former owners are Jan Smullinck and his sisters Agnes and Frederick (although this may actually be Fredericke or Fredericka), the new owners are Engelbert Huevel and his wife Richarda Marquerinck. As Jan Smullinck is referred to as 'joncker' Smullinck in this deed, the Smullincks may have been members of the (lower) nobility. Jan Smullincks also appears to own property called het Groote Rel in the hamlet of IJzerlo; he uses this property as collateral for guaranteeing this transaction.

Steve Barnhoorn zei op di, 08/20/2024 - 20:43

Thanks.  I really appreciate it.  I regret the quality and visibility of the document, but I did the best I could do with enhancement software.

René van Weeren zei op wo, 08/21/2024 - 10:07

First the Dutch transcription so far, still some words missing and unclear, hope someone will solve the missing words as well as the text in the margin.

Erschenen den hoochedlgeboren Jan Smullinck
als oock den hoochedelgeboren Hillebrant van
Wespeijn in qualite als volmachtigde van juffrouw Agnes
Smullinck, sich mede sterk maeckende voor haeren
suster juffrouw Frederick Smullinck craft specialen volmacht
voor rechter ende burgemeester tot Zevener in dato den
14 decembris 1656 stylo novo gepasiert, alhier ind den
henste(?) verbant gelesen ende voor goet erkant ende bekanden
oevergelaeten ende getransportiert te soo ... te registreren bij deesen ... originelen restitutiones wordt oevergegeven
hebben, doende sulx craft dieses aen den edelen ende
hoochgeleerden Engelbert Huevel, der rechten doctor,
ende Richarda Marquerinck, eheluyden, twie echte
vierde gedeelten van seeckeren pant Schillinck, mon-
teerende int geheel ter summa van drie hondert
ende vijftien daeler in den Schollenkamp gevestiget
ende sulx tegens genoechsaeme satisfactie ende
contentement van soedaene recht ende gerechtigheit
tot erflicken vordeel van gemelten doctor Huevel
ofte sijnen erven, renuntieerde craft deeser, sonder
reserve van eenich vorder recht, geloevende oock
deese cessie tegens jedermennslick te wachten ende
te waren, daer van oock gelijck alle nae-
maeninge comparant joncker Smullinck verbonden heeft
alle sijne geriede ende ongeriede, tegenwoordige
en#de toecompstige goederen, ende in specie sijn eigendoem-
licke toebehoerige goet Het Groote Rel? genaempt
inden drostampte Breedevoort karspel Aelten buertschap
Nes te Iseren gelegen tot waer die buerschap gestelt
gelijck mede ten oeren ... wel gemelten joncker ...
... vigore specialis mandati daervoor
voor sijner constituentinnen en haeren susteren
contingent verbonden heeft den Haenenkamp in de heer-
licheit Gheemen gelegen, blijvende ondertusschen tott
... van ceseionarisen voer te slaen in cas van
evictie ofte naemaeninge sijn ... ofte quarande
op wel gemelte joncker Smullinck in ... te soecken.
Sonder argelist.


Summary in English:

Jonker Jan Smullinck and Hillebrant van Wespeijn both appeared before the proper authorities, the latter as authorised representative of Agnes Smullinck, who on her turn has been authorised by her sister Frederick (sic!) to act on her behalf in this matter by an authorisation before the court and major of Zevenaar submitted on the 14th of December 1656. Both declare to have handed over and transferred the property of 2 quarters of the property called Schillinck to Engelbert Huevel, Doctor of Law, and his wife Richarda Marquerinck for the amount of 315 daelers. Both refrain from any rights that might still be attached to this property and to assure this transaction, other possessions are used as collateral: for Jonker Smullinck this concerns 'all his properties, either movable or immovable, either present or future' (a standard formula in such deeds) as well as his estate called het Groote Rel (uncertain about the name), located in the part called Nes of the hamlet of IJzerlo. On behalf of the sisters Smullinck, the estate the Haenenkamp, located in the seigniory of Gheemen was used as collateral.

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